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ARRC Successfully Completes the Long Awaited Vertical Hotfire Test of the HTTP-3A S2 Rocket

Hsinchu, Taiwan - November 3, 2021

In 2021 in Taiwan, the pandemic outbreak in May posed a challenge to both the students and office workers to learn and work remotely. The same goes for ARRC. We had to set up alternate working schedules where our researchers take turns developing rocket technologies. The complex schedules made us more cautious when it comes to small details, looking to find success in the first attempt of every test.

The results might be late but never absent.

The current hot-fire test acts as a preliminary simulation of HTTP-3A 2nd stage’s flight test and is the first hot-fire test in which the rocket has an outer casing. We achieved success which marks the completion of the first integration phase: the joint validation of the rocket and ground support equipment. We are finally moving on to what everyone is waiting for, the test flight! Good things take time, but we firmly believe that Taiwan’s rocket will shine on the world stage!

Along the way, ARRC has continuously received kindness and encouragement from the people and many businesses. Specifically, we would like to thank our partners Ming Shen Enterprise Co., Ltd. and Ubiquiti Taiwan for their support during this hot-fire test. We sincerely appreciate them for their support and patience while we resolve technical issues. Because of these partners, we succeeded in testing smoothly and delivering successful results. We are undoubtedly honored to develop a rocket with you all!